Regression Discontinuity

In this tutorial, we are going to see how to estimate causal effects when treatment assignment is not random, but determined by a forcing variable such as a test or a requirement. In this case, we can get a local estimate of the treatment effect by comparing units just above and just below the threshold by assuming that there is no sorting/gaming around it.


For this tutorial, I assume you are familiar with the following concepts:

  • Rubin’s potential outcome framework
  • Ordinary least squares regression
  • Non-parametric regression
  • Instrumental variables

Academic Application

As an academic application, we are going to replicate Do voters affect or elect policies? Evidence from the US House (2004) by Lee, Moretti, Butler. The authors study whether electoral strength has an effect on policies. To identify the effect, they the advantage that is given by incumbency status, and the quasi-exogeneity given by close elections.

Business Case



We assume that for a set of i.i.d. subjects $i = 1, …, n$ we observed a tuple $(X_i, D_i, Y_i, Z_i)$ comprised of

  • a feature vector $X_i \in \mathbb R^n$
  • a treatment assignment $D_i \in \lbrace 0, 1 \rbrace$
  • a response $Y_i \in \mathbb R$
    • outcome of interest that depends on both $X_i$ and $D_i$
  • a forcing variable $Z_i \in \mathbb R$
    • variable that determines treatment assignment $D_i$

We normalize the forcing variable $Z_i$ such that $Z_i=0$ corresponds to the cutoff for treatment assignment. We will distinguish two cases for the effect of $Z_i$ on $D_i$:

  1. Sharp RD: $D_i = (Z_i \geq 0)$

    • treatment is exactly determined by the cutoff
  2. Fuzzy RD: $\lim_{z \to 0_{-}} \mathbb E[D_i | Z_i=z] \neq \lim_{z \to 0_{+}} \mathbb E[D_i | Z_i=z]$

    • treatment probability changes at the cutoff

Assumption 1 : CE smoothness

Assumption 2: no sorting

Regression Discontinuity

The key behind regression discontinuity is what is called a forcing variable that determines treatment assignment. Common examples include test scores for university enrollment (you need a certain test score to get access university) or income for some policy eligibility (you need to be below a certain income threshold to be eligible for a subsidy).

Clearly, in this setting, treatment is not exogenous. However, the idea behind regression discontinuity is that units sufficiently close to the discontinuity $Z_i=0$ are sufficiently similar so that we can attribute differences in the outcome $Y_i$ to the treatment $T_i$.

What does sufficiently exactly mean?

In practice, we are assuming a certain degree of smoothness of the conditional expectation function $\mathbb E[D_i | Z_i=z]$. If this assumption holds, we can estimate the local average treatment effect

$$ \tau^{LATE} = \lim_{z \to 0_{+}} \mathbb E[Y_i | Z_i=z] - \lim_{z \to 0_{-}} \mathbb E[Y_i | Z_i=z] = \mathbb E \big[ Y_{i}^{(1)} - Y_{i}^{(0)} | Z_i=0 \big] $$

Note that this is the average treatment effect for a very narrow set of individuals: those that are extremely close to the cutoff.

Data Challenge

Regression discontinuity design is a particularly data hungry procedure. In fact, we need to

  1. have a very good flexible approximation of the conditional expectation of the outcome $Y_i$ at the cutoff $Z_i=0$
  2. while also accounting for the effect of the forcing variable $Z$ on the outcome $Y$

If we knew the functional form of $\mathbb E[Y_i | Z_i]$, it would be easy.

McCrary Test

Regression Kink Design

Academic Application

As an academic application, we are going to replicate Do voters affect or elect policies? Evidence from the US House (2004) by Lee, Moretti, Butler. The authors study whether electoral strength has an effect on policies. To identify the effect, they the advantage that is given by incumbency status, and the quasi-exogeneity given by close elections.

%matplotlib inline
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina'
from src.utils import *
df = sm.datasets.get_rdataset('close_elections_lmb', package='causaldata').data
df = pd.read_csv('data/l08.csv')

state district id score year demvoteshare democrat lagdemocrat lagdemvoteshare
0 1 1 3 64.339996 1948 0.553026 1 0 0.469256
1 1 1 4 60.279999 1948 0.553026 1 0 0.469256
2 1 1 5 57.060001 1950 0.582441 1 1 0.553026
3 1 1 6 73.830002 1950 0.582441 1 1 0.553026
4 1 1 7 42.959999 1954 0.569626 1 1 0.539680

The first thing we would like to inspect, is the distribution of democratic vote shares demvoteshare, against their lagged values lagdemvoteshare.

sns.scatterplot(df['lagdemvoteshare'], df['demvoteshare'])\
.set(title='Vote share and incumbency status', xlabel='Dem Vote Share (t-1)', ylabel='Dem Vote Share (t)');


The plot is extremely messy. However we can already see some discontinuity at the threshold: it seems that incumbents do not get vote shares below 0.35.

To have a more transparent representation of the data, we can use a binscatterplot. Binscatterplots are very similar to histograms with a main difference: instead of having a fixed width, they have a fixed number of observations per bin.

from scipy.stats import binned_statistic

def binscatter(x, y, bins=30, area=True, **kwargs):
    y_bins, x_edges, _ = binned_statistic(x, y, statistic='mean', bins=bins)
    x_bins = (x_edges[:-1] + x_edges[1:]) / 2
    p = sns.scatterplot(x_bins, y_bins, **kwargs)
    if area:
        y_std, _, _ = binned_statistic(x, y, statistic='std', bins=bins)
        plt.fill_between(x_bins, y_bins-y_std, y_bins+y_std, alpha=0.2, color='C0')
    return p

We can now plot the average vote share by previous vote share. The shades represent one standard deviation, at the bin level.

binscatter(df['lagdemvoteshare'], df['demvoteshare'], bins=100)\
.set(title='Vote share and incumbency status', xlabel='Dem Vote Share (t-1)', ylabel='Dem Vote Share (t)');
plt.axvline(x=0.5, ls=":", color='C2');
plt.title('Vote share and incumbency status');


Now it seems quite clear that there exist a discontinuity at $0.5$. We can get a first estimate of the local average treatment effect by assuming a linear model and running a linear regression.

smf.ols('demvoteshare ~ lagdemvoteshare + (lagdemvoteshare>0.5)', df).fit().summary().tables[1]
coef std err t P>|t| [0.025 0.975]
Intercept 0.2173 0.005 46.829 0.000 0.208 0.226
lagdemvoteshare > 0.5[T.True] 0.0956 0.003 33.131 0.000 0.090 0.101
lagdemvoteshare 0.4865 0.011 42.539 0.000 0.464 0.509

The effect is positive and statistically significant. We can also allow the slope of the line to differ on the two sides of the discontinuity.

df = df.sort_values('lagdemvoteshare')
model = smf.ols('demvoteshare ~ lagdemvoteshare * (lagdemvoteshare>0.5)', df).fit()
coef std err t P>|t| [0.025 0.975]
Intercept 0.2256 0.007 34.588 0.000 0.213 0.238
lagdemvoteshare > 0.5[T.True] 0.0747 0.012 6.334 0.000 0.052 0.098
lagdemvoteshare 0.4653 0.016 28.547 0.000 0.433 0.497
lagdemvoteshare:lagdemvoteshare > 0.5[T.True] 0.0418 0.023 1.827 0.068 -0.003 0.087

Let’s plot the predicted vote share over the previous graph.

binscatter(df['lagdemvoteshare'], df['demvoteshare'], bins=100, alpha=0.5)\
.set(title='Vote share and incumbency status', xlabel='Dem Vote Share (t-1)', ylabel='Dem Vote Share (t)');
plt.plot(df['lagdemvoteshare'], model.fittedvalues, color='C1')
plt.axvline(x=0.5, ls=":", color='C2');


Now that we have established a discontinuity at the cutoff, we need to check the RD assumptions.

First, is there sorting across the cutoff? In this case, are democratic politicians more or less likely to lose close elections than republicans? We can plot the distribution of (lagged) vote shares and inspect its shape at the cutoff.

sns.histplot(df['lagdemvoteshare'], bins=100)\
.set(title='Distribution of lagged dem vote share', xlabel='')
plt.axvline(x=0.5, ls=":", color='C2');


If looks pretty smooth. If anything, there is a loss of density at the cutoff, plausibly indicating stronger competition when the competition is close. However, if does not seem particularly asymmetric.

A placebo test that we can run is to check if the forcing variable has an effect on variables on which we do not expect to have an effect. In this setting, the most intuitive placebo outcome is previous elections: we do not expect that being on either side of the cutoff today is related to any past outcome.

In our case, we can simply swap the two variables to run the test.

binscatter(df['demvoteshare'], df['lagdemvoteshare'], bins=100)\
.set(title='Vote share and incumbency status', xlabel='Dem Vote Share (t)', ylabel='Dem Vote Share (t-1)');
plt.axvline(x=0.5, ls=":", color='C2');


The distribution of vote shares in the past period does not seem to be discontinuous in the incumbency status today, as expected.


I hold a PhD in economics from the University of Zurich. Now I work at the intersection of economics, data science and statistics. I regularly write about causal inference on Medium.