Propensity Score Matching

In this tutorial, we are going to see how to estimate causal effects when the treatment is not unconditionally randomly assigned, but we need to condition on observable features in order to assume treatment exogeneity. This might happen either when an experiment is stratified or in observational studies.


For this tutorial, I assume you are familiar with the following concepts:

  • Rubin’s potential outcome framework
  • Ordinary least squares regression

Academic Application

As an academic application, we are going to replicate Evaluating the Econometric Evaluations of Training Programs with Experimental Data (1986) by Lalonde and the followup paper Causal Effects in Non-Experimental Studies: Reevaluating the Evaluation of Training Programs (1999) by Dahejia and Wahba. These papers study a randomized intervention providing work experienced to improve labor market outcomes.

Business Case



We assume that for a set of i.i.d. subjects $i = 1, …, n$ we observed a tuple $(X_i, D_i, Y_i)$ comprised of

  • a feature vector $X_i \in \mathbb R^n$
  • a treatment assignment $D_i \in \lbrace 0, 1 \rbrace$
  • a response $Y_i \in \mathbb R$

Assumption 1 : unconfoundedness (or ignorability, or selection on observables, or conditional independence)

$$ \big \lbrace Y_i^{(1)} , Y_i^{(0)} \big \rbrace \ \perp \ D_i \ | \ X_i $$

i.e. conditional on observable characteristics $X$, the treatment assignment $T$ is as good as random. What this assumption rules out is selection on unobservables. Moreover, it’s untestable.

Assumption 2: overlap (or common support)

$$ \exists \eta > 0 \ : \ \eta \leq \mathbb E \left[ D_i = 1 \ \big | \ X_i = x \right] \leq 1-\eta $$

i.e. no observation is deterministically assigned to the treatment or control group. We need this assumption for counterfactual statements to make sense. If some observations had zero probability of (not) being treated, it would make no sense to try to estimate their counterfactual outcome in case they would have (not) being treated. Also this assumption is untestable.

Assumption 3: stable unit treatment value (SUTVA)

$$ Y_i^{(D_i)} \perp D_j \quad \forall j \neq i $$

i.e. the potential outcome of one individual is independent from the treatment status of any other individual. Common violations of this assumption include

  • general equilibrium effects
  • spillover effects

This assumption is untestable.

Propensity Scores

Exogenous Treatment

The fundamental problem of causal inference is that we do not observe counterfactual outcomes, i.e. we do not observe what would have happened to treated units if they had not received the treatment and viceversa.

If treatment is exogenous, we know that the difference in means identifies the average treatment effect $\mathbb E[\tau]$.

$$ \mathbb E[\tau] = \mathbb E \big[ Y_i \ \big| \ D_i = 1 \big] - \mathbb E \big[ Y_i \ \big| \ D_i = 0 \big] = \mathbb E \big[ Y_{i}^{(1)} - Y_{i}^{(0)} \big] $$

Therefore, we can build an unbiased estimator of the average treatment effect as the empirical counterpart of the expression above

$$ \hat \tau(Y, D) = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^{n} \big( D_i Y_i - (1-D_i) Y_i \big) $$

In case treatment is not randomly assigned, we use the Thompson Horowitz (1952) estimator

$$ \hat \tau(Y, D) = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^{n} \left( \frac{D_i Y_i}{\pi_{i}} - \frac{(1-D_i) Y_i}{1 - \pi_{i}} \right) $$

where $\pi_{i} = \Pr(D_i=1)$ is the probability of being treated, also known as propensity score. Sometimes the propensity score is known, for example when treatment is stratified. However, in general, it is not.

Conditionally Exogenous Treatment

In many cases and especially in observational studies, treatment $D$ is not unconditionally exogenous, but it’s exogenous only after we condition on some characteristic $X$. If these characteristics are observables, we have the unconfoundedness assumption.

Under unconfoundedness, we can still identify the average treatment effect, as a conditional difference in means:

$$ \mathbb E[\tau] = \mathbb E \big[ Y_{i}^{(1)} - Y_{i}^{(0)} \ \big| \ X_i \big] $$

The main problem is that we need to condition of the observables that actually make the unconfoundedness assumption hold. This might be tricky in two cases:

  1. when we have many observables
  2. when we do not know the functional form of the observables that we need to condition on

The main contribution of Rosenbaum and Rubin (1983) is to show that if unconfoundedness holds, then

$$ \big \lbrace Y_i^{(1)} , Y_i^{(0)} \big \rbrace \ \perp \ D_i \ | \ \pi(X_i) $$

i.e. you only need to condition on $\pi(X)$ in order to recover the average treatment effect.

$$ \mathbb E[\tau] = \mathbb E \big[ Y_{i}^{(1)} - Y_{i}^{(0)} \ \big| \ \pi(X_i) \big] $$

This implies the following inverse propensity-weighted estimator:

$$ \hat \tau^{IPW} = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^{n} \left( \frac{D_i Y_i}{\hat \pi(X_i)} - \frac{(1-D_i) Y_i}{1 - \hat \pi(X_i)} \right) $$

which, under unconfoundedness is an unbiased estimator of the average treatment effect, $\mathbb E \left[\hat \tau^{IPW} \right] = \tau$.

This is a very practically relevant result since it tells us that we need to condition on a single variable instead of a potentially infinite dimensional array. The only thing we need to do is to estimate $\pi(X_i)$.


Actual vs Estimated Scores

Hirano and Ridder (2002) show that even when you know the true propensity score $\pi(X)$, it’s better to plug in the estimated propensity score $\hat \pi(X)$. Why? The idea is that the deviation between the actual and the estimated propensity score is providing some additional information. Therefore, it is best to use the actual fraction of treated rather than the theoretical one.

Propensity Scores and Regression

What is the difference between running a regression with controls vs doing propensity score matching?

Aranow and Miller (2015) investigate this comparison in depth. First of all, whenever you are inserting control variables in a regression, you are implicitly thinking about propensity scores. Both approaches are implicitly estimating counterfactual outcomes. Usually OLS extrapolates further away from the actual support than propensity score does.

In the tweet (and its comments) below you can find further discussion and comments.

Academic Application

As an academic application, we are going to replicate Causal Effects in Non-Experimental Studies: Reevaluating the Evaluation of Training Programs (1999) by Dahejia and Wahba.

This study builds on a previous study: Evaluating the Econometric Evaluations of Training Programs with Experimental Data (1986) by Lalonde. In this study, the author compares observational and experimental methods. In particular, he studies an experimental intervention called the NSW (National Supported Work demonstration). The NSW is a temporary training program to give work experience to unemployed people.

The exogenous variation allows us to estimate the treatment effect as a difference in means. The author then asks: what if we didn’t have access to an experiment? In particular, what if we did not have information on the control group? He takes a sample of untreated people from the PSID panel and use them as a control group.

Experimental Data

Let’s start by loading the NSW data.

%matplotlib inline
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina'
from src.utils import *
df_nsw = pd.read_csv('data/l86_nsw.csv')

treat age educ black hisp marr nodegree re74 re75 re78
0 1 37 11 1 0 1 1 0.0 0.0 9930.045898
1 1 22 9 0 1 0 1 0.0 0.0 3595.894043
2 1 30 12 1 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 24909.449219
3 1 27 11 1 0 0 1 0.0 0.0 7506.145996
4 1 33 8 1 0 0 1 0.0 0.0 289.789886

The treatment variable is treat and the outcome of interest is re78, the income in 1978. We also have access to a bunch of covariates.

y = 're78'
T = 'treat'
X = df_nsw.columns[2:9]

Was there selection on observables? Let’s summarize the data, according to treatment status.

df_nsw.groupby('treat').agg(['mean', 'std']).T.unstack(1)

treat 0 1
mean std mean std
age 25.053846 7.057745 25.816216 7.155019
educ 10.088462 1.614325 10.345946 2.010650
black 0.826923 0.379043 0.843243 0.364558
hisp 0.107692 0.310589 0.059459 0.237124
marr 0.153846 0.361497 0.189189 0.392722
nodegree 0.834615 0.372244 0.708108 0.455867
re74 2107.026651 5687.905639 2095.573693 4886.620354
re75 1266.909015 3102.982088 1532.055313 3219.250879
re78 4554.801120 5483.836001 6349.143502 7867.402183

It seems that covariates are balanced across treatment arms. Nothing seems to point towards selection on observables. Therefore, we can compute the average treatment effect as a simple difference in means

df_nsw.loc[df_nsw[T]==1, y].mean() - df_nsw.loc[df_nsw[T]==0, y].mean()

Or equivalently in a regression

est = smf.ols('re78 ~ treat', df_nsw).fit()
coef std err t P>|t| [0.025 0.975]
Intercept 4554.8011 408.046 11.162 0.000 3752.855 5356.747
treat 1794.3424 632.853 2.835 0.005 550.574 3038.110

It looks like the effect is positive and significant.

Observational Data

Let’s now load a different dataset in which we have replaced the true control units with observations from the PSID sample.

df_psid = pd.read_csv('data/l86_psid.csv')

Is this dataset balanced?

df_psid.groupby('treat').agg(['mean', 'std']).T.unstack(1)

treat 0 1
mean std mean std
age 36.094862 12.081030 25.816216 7.155019
educ 10.766798 3.176827 10.345946 2.010650
black 0.391304 0.489010 0.843243 0.364558
hisp 0.067194 0.250853 0.059459 0.237124
marr 0.735178 0.442113 0.189189 0.392722
nodegree 0.486166 0.500799 0.708108 0.455867
re74 11027.303390 10814.670751 2095.573693 4886.620354
re75 7569.222058 9041.944403 1532.055313 3219.250879
re78 9995.949977 11184.450050 6349.143502 7867.402183

People in the PSID control group are older, more educated, white, married and generally have considerably higher pre-intervention earnings (re74). This makes sense since the people selected for the NSW program are people that are younger, less experienced and unemployed.

Lalonde (1986) argues in favor of experimental approaches by showing that using a non-experimental setting, one would not be able to estimate the true treatment effect. Actually, one could even get statistically significant results of the opposite sign.

Let’s repeat the regression exercise for the PSID data.

smf.ols('re78 ~ treat', df_psid).fit().summary().tables[1]
coef std err t P>|t| [0.025 0.975]
Intercept 9995.9500 623.715 16.026 0.000 8770.089 1.12e+04
treat -3646.8065 959.704 -3.800 0.000 -5533.027 -1760.586

The estimated coefficient is negative and significant. The conclusion from Lalonde (1986) is

“This comparison shows that many of the econometric procedures d not replicate the experimentally determined results”.

Dahejia and Wahba (1999) argue that with appropriate matching one would still be able to get a relatively precise estimate of the treatment effect. In particular, the argue in favor of controlling for pre-intervention income, re74 and re75.

Let’s just linearly insert the control variables in the regression.

smf.ols('re78 ~ treat + ' + ' + '.join(X), df_psid).fit().summary().tables[1]
coef std err t P>|t| [0.025 0.975]
Intercept -1089.9263 2913.224 -0.374 0.708 -6815.894 4636.042
treat 2642.1456 1039.655 2.541 0.011 598.694 4685.597
educ 521.5869 208.751 2.499 0.013 111.284 931.890
black -1026.6762 1006.433 -1.020 0.308 -3004.830 951.478
hisp -903.1023 1726.419 -0.523 0.601 -4296.394 2490.189
marr 1026.6143 943.788 1.088 0.277 -828.410 2881.639
nodegree -1469.3712 1166.114 -1.260 0.208 -3761.379 822.637
re74 0.1928 0.058 3.329 0.001 0.079 0.307
re75 0.4976 0.070 7.068 0.000 0.359 0.636

The treatment effect is now positive, borderline significant, and close to the experimental estimate of $1794$$. Moreover, it’s hard to tell whether this is the correct functional form for the control variables.

Inverse propensity score weighting

Another option is to use inverse propensity score weighting. First, we need to estimate the treatment probability. Let’s start with a very simple standard model to predict binary outcomes.

from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegressionCV

pi = LogisticRegressionCV().fit(y=df_psid[T], X=df_psid[X])
df_psid['pscore'] = pi.predict_proba(df_psid[X])[:,1]

How does the distribution of the propensity scores look like?

sns.histplot(data=df_psid, x='pscore', hue=T, bins=20)\
.set(title='Distribution of propensity scores, PSID data', xlabel='');


It seems that indeed we predict higher propensity scores for treated people, and viceversa, indicating a strong selection on observable. However, there is also a considerable amount of overlap.

We can now estimate the treatment effect by weighting by the inverse of the propensity score. First, let’s exclude observations with a very extreme predicted score.

df_psid1 = df_psid[(df_psid['pscore']<0.9) & (df_psid['pscore']>0.1)]

Now we can need to construct the weights.

df_psid1['weight'] = df_psid1['treat'] / df_psid1['pscore'] + (1-df_psid1['treat']) / (1-df_psid1['pscore'])

Finally, we run a weighted regression of income on the treatment program.

est = smf.wls('re78 ~ treat', df_psid1, weights=df_psid1['weight']).fit()
coef std err t P>|t| [0.025 0.975]
Intercept 4038.1507 512.268 7.883 0.000 3030.227 5046.074
treat 2166.8750 730.660 2.966 0.003 729.250 3604.500

The effect is positive, statistically significant and very close to the experimental estimate of $1794$$.

What would have been the propensity scores if we had used the NSW experimental sample? If it’s a well done experiment with a sufficiently large sample, we would expect the propensity scores to concentrate around the percentage of people treated, $0.41$ in our data.

pi = LogisticRegressionCV().fit(y=df_nsw[T], X=df_nsw[X])
df_nsw['pscore'] = pi.predict_proba(df_nsw[X])[:,1]
sns.histplot(data=df_nsw, x='pscore', hue=T, bins=20)\
.set(title='Distribution of propensity scores, NSW data', xlabel='');


Indeed, now the distribution of the p-scores is concentrated around the treatment frequency in the data. Remarkably, the standard deviation is extremely tight.


I hold a PhD in economics from the University of Zurich. Now I work at the intersection of economics, data science and statistics. I regularly write about causal inference on Medium.