Non-parametric regression is a flexible estimation procedure for
- regression functions \(\mathbb E [y|x ] = g (x)\) and
- density functions \(f(x)\).
You want to let your data to tell you how flexible you can afford to be in terms of estimation procedures. Non-parametric regression is naturally introduced in terms of fitting a curve.
Consider the problem of estimating the Conditional Expectation Function, defined as \(\mathbb E [y_i |x_i ] = g(x_i)\) given data \(D = (x_i, y_i)_{i=1}^n\) under minimal assumption of \(g(\cdot)\), e.g. smoothness. There are two main methods:
- Local methods: Kernel-based estimation
- Global methods: Series-based estimation
Another way of looking at non-parametrics is to do estimation/inference without specifying functional forms. With no assumptions, informative inference is impossible. Non parametrics tries to work with functional restrictions—continuity, differentiability, etc.—rather than pre-specifying functional form.